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Archive for April, 2011

Why I Enjoy Running

Why Would You Do That Voluntarily?

My wife has said that the only reason why anyone would run willingly is if they were running away from a tiger or a shark.  Logical fallacies of that statement aside (she is great at simultaneously entertaining and keeping me on my toes), it is a fair statement which views running from the outside and questions the reasoning behind the action.  I hope to explain a little bit of the reasoning behind why I enjoy running so much.  As I reflect on what I have been doing for over half my life, I definitely see several points that I really enjoy outside of the obvious benefits of getting some good cardiovascular exercise.

All on Your Own

Running is a great way to get away from it all.  It is also a solo sport, so you only have you to worry about (and can’t rely on anyone else to carry you).  I freely admit that I am a bit of a loner and a introvert, so there are definite draws to this.  While having other people can motivate you to keep on going and to stick to a schedule, I also find it empowering when I alone am able to push myself and feel accomplished because of it.  When it is just you and the road (and occasional sidewalk), it is comforting to me to know that I am only responsible for myself and that any shortcomings is on me alone.  That means that if I want to do better, then I don’t have to rely on anyone else in order to do it.  It is all on me.

Clearing the Mind

It is a great way to clear your mind by slowing things down and exhausting yourself to the point where your ideas can’t just run wild.  I find that I often tire myself out over time with my thoughts and anxieties.  Running is a way for me to focus my attention purely on the here and now, so that I don’t worry so much about what I need to do or anything outside of my feet on the pavement.

Getting outside and away from it all is also refreshing and a great way to mix things up.  I find that it breaks up my routine enough that it is almost always new and different (course this might also point to me not running enough to really improve).  Being stationary on a treadmill drives me crazy.  There is something about being outside and moving under my own power that excites and motivates me.  There are many times when I just want to keep running for hours on end, though my commitments and attachment to reality prevent me from doing so.

Keep on Moving

I hope to keep running for a long time, eventually doing a marathon. I have run half-marathons the past two years and am signed up for it again this year (and it is only a little over three months away, eep!).  Doing so helps keep me motivated as I want to do it in less than two hours (missed that mark by 36 seconds my first time, sadly quite a bit more my second and I am not expecting to do it this go around).  It is hard to keep up a schedule with helping out around the house and with the kids.  Hopefully once things settle into more of a routine (and the weather isn’t so blasted cold all the time) in the future I will have a better shot at achieving this.  And shoot for that marathon (hoping to beat 4:30 there) some time in the next few years.

Personally, I find the best time to run is in the morning as it is coldest and still has good visibility.  That way I can also wake up for the day and easily take a shower afterward and get ready.  Occasionally when my son wakes up before I go I will take him along in our jogging stroller.  Someday I might even have him tag along running with me and possibly even have him beating his old dad after awhile.  Maybe getting ahead of myself there, but I do look forward to keep on running for a long time.