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Archive for May, 2014

Multi-Threaded Programming 4: A Locking Queue Implementation

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We covered the basic differences between the various multi-threaded techniques to protect our shared data in the last post. Now lets look at some code that will implement a locking technique. I will implement this using C++ and will use some C++11 techniques compiling under Visual Studio Express 2013. This is also partially a pet project to get more familiar with the C++11 conventions of doing things, so if you see any ways listed to do things better using the new parts of the standard, please let me know 🙂

Disclaimer: Any code that is provided is for learning purposes only. I make no guarantees that it will work for your specific project or platform. It has been subjected to some standard tests that it has passed on two x86/64 systems (one Intel and one AMD). All code is released under the MIT license, so feel free to use it however you see fit.

If you want to read up on other things that I have covered, then here are my previous posts in this series:


Unbounded Locking Queue

For this I am going to demonstrate using a queue. I chose this because it is a simple, useful data structure that everyone reading this should be familiar with. This simplicity also lends itself well to understanding and being able to easily follow what happens when we move this to a lock-free implementation in the next post.

It will be unbounded, so that it can grow to fit the size of anything we need to store in it. We are going to protect our shared data through locking by using a mutex. We will have a head node which is always valid but isn’t considered to have relevant data, and a pointer to a tail node which represents the end. So in the case when the head has a empty next pointer (or the head and tail both reference the same data), we know we have an empty list on our hands.

By always having a valid node, we can skip checking to see if head or tail pointers are null, at the cost of having only an allocation of an extra node. This also allows us to separate the enqueue and dequeue functions so that we can have separate mutexes for each operation, so then we don’t need to prevent enqueuing while dequeuing is occurring, and vice versa.

Under the hood, this is implemented as a linked list. This is reasonable since we are only ever adding to the tail and removing from the head and never traversing. This does incur the cost of an allocation for each enqueue, but we are not concerning ourselves too much with performance at this stage, so that is acceptable.

In the examples I am assuming that we only need to store an int (the data type is irrelevant for the actual algorithms), but in the code link at the bottom I have a template based version that I would actually recommend using.




Our enqueue function is very straightforward. It will allocate a new node to store our data in to. First we will begin by locking this with our enqueue mutex, preventing anything else from being added until we are done. Technically, we can do the allocation before this lock because that is a local operation and doesn’t affect any shared data. The lock_guard construct will automatically release the lock when it goes out of scope, so that we don’t need to worry about a deadlock situation where it never gets released.

Once we have our new node, we append it to the list by having the tail’s node set it to its next reference. Then we complete the operation by setting the tail as our new node.




Our dequeue likewise is easy to understand and follow. We immediately start by locking with our dequeue mutex so that no other dequeues can occur. We then check for the case where we are empty and return null if this is the case. When that isn’t the case we know that we have valid data to get and so we obtain it. We remove our old node from the list by setting the head to its next node and return the data to the caller. Since we are making use of automatic referencing we don’t need to worry about cleanup since that will happen automatically for us.



There isn’t anything too special about our Node class. It is simply a container that holds onto the data that was placed in the queue with a reference to the next node. While I have it only accepting a unique_ptr for SetNext, I have the actual _next as a shared_ptr because we can get multiple references due to the tail in the main LockingQueue class.




Now we have one of my tests that I used to make sure that the code I was posting actually worked. I am also posting this to give you an example of how this queue can be used by multiple threads (granted in an arbitrary way, but the concept remains).

All this code is doing is setting up separate threads for reading/dequeuing and writing/enqueuing to our queue. I split the amount of writing evenly between the threads as well as the amount of work that will be done by the reading threads. This is just to verify that everyone is getting a chance to do some work. So I simply split the data into separate arrays, one for each writing thread. Then I create my threads and let them do their thing. Afterwards, I verify that everything was processed successfully.


Next Time

For the next time we are going to look at a lock-free version of our unbounded queue. This will add quite a bit of complexity to our simple, humble queue here, but not enough to make it unmanageable. As you will see, the order of operations is extremely important when it comes to dealing with lock-free algorithms.

After that, we will do some profiling on our two implementations and see how they compare. We will also see if there is anything that can be done to optimize them (hint: there will be). Talk with you then!


Full Source

The full source for this can be obtained at the links below. This is a more generic, template based version of the code posted above so hopefully it will be a bit more useful for you.